A Network-Based VPN Architecture Using Virtual Routing

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CNHTC01
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A network-based Virtual Private Network (VPN) architecture by using fundamental routing mechanism is proposed. This network is a virtual overlay network based on the relay of IP-in-IP tunneling of virtual routing modules. The packet format employs the encapsulation of IPSec ESP(Encapsulating Security Payload), an impact path code and an extended DS(Differentiated Services) code to support multi-path routing and QoS. Comparing with other models of VPN, this network system can be deployed in the current network with little investment, and it is easy to implement. The simulation result shows its performance is better than the traditional VPN system of black box mode. A network-based Virtual Private Network (VPN) architecture by using fundamental routing mechanism is proposed. This network is a virtual overlay network based on the relay of IP-in-IP tunneling of virtual routing modules. The packet format employs the encapsulation of IPSec ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), an impact path code and an extended DS (Differentiated Services) code to support multi-path routing and QoS. Comparing with other models of VPN, this network system can be deployed in the current network with little investment, and it is easy to implement. The simulation result shows its performance is better than the traditional VPN system of black box mode.
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目的 研究内皮型一氧化氮合成酶 (Endothelialnitricoxidesynthase ,eNOS)及其mRNA在慢性乙型肝炎 (ChronichepatitisB ,CHB)肝组织中的表达及与肝组织病变的关系和临床意义
浙江省余姚市姚江小学创办于2012 年 9 月.从办学之初,学校就确立“相信自己,世界因我而美丽”的办学理念,本着“真善美”的追求,紧紧围绕“让每一位师生崇尚自信、美丽成长
目的 用流行病学方法确定易感者和拮抗者 ,为日本血吸虫再感染的年龄依赖性抗性提供依据。方法  1996年 ,选择南洞庭湖日本血吸虫病洲岛型流行区经常接触疫水的居民 2 5 0
患者 女 ,33岁。因月经紊乱5月、停经 3月、头痛 2月、泌乳 1周入院。无视力视野障碍及多饮多尿表现 ,无发热及盗汗 ,体重无明显变化 ,无结核感染和接触史。体检 :左乳房有