新年复始,世纪更新,全世界都在庆祝干禧年的到来。《中国印刷物资商情》也迎釆了自己创刊三周年的喜庆吉日。在把2000年第一期杂志奉献给广大读者之际,我们衷心地祝愿大家干禧之年万事如意、龙年好运、幸福吉祥。 三年前,《中国印刷物资商情》在业界同仁的支持帮助下创刊了。新闻出版署署长于友先亲自为本刊题写了刊名;新闻出版署党组成员、中国期刊协会常务副会长张伯海同志热情地为本刊题字,指示我们“及时反映国内外印刷物资市场的动向,把刊物办成
New Year begins, the new century, the world are celebrating the arrival of the dry jubilee. “China Printing Materials Business Information” also welcomed the celebration of its first anniversary of the auspicious day. While dedicating the first issue of 2000 to our readers, we sincerely wish all of you the best of luck in the Year of the Qianlong, the good luck in the Year of the Dragon, and the happiness and good fortune. Three years ago, “China Printing Materials Business” started with the help and support of colleagues in the industry. Director of Press and Publication Administration Yu Youxian personally wrote a title for the journal; members of the Press and Publication Administration, Zhang Banhai, executive vice president of China Association of Journalists enthusiastically inscribed for the magazine, instructing us to "promptly reflect the domestic and foreign printing materials market trends , The publication made