2月11日,2015年沃尔沃中国公开赛广州南沙资格赛在广州南沙高尔夫球会圆满收杆。年仅15岁的中国台北业余球员丁子轩在决赛轮打出6 9杆,以两轮135杆的总成绩勇夺冠军。来自韩国和美国的职业球员李长宇(LEE Chang woo)和本杰明·雷恩(Benjamin LEIN)以两杆之差并列亚军。他们三人成为今年首批通过资格赛入围的选手,将于4月23日至26目前往汤臣上海浦东高尔夫球场征战第21届沃尔沃中国公开赛。广州南沙高尔夫球会董事霍启山出席了赛后的颁奖仪式,为优胜者——颁奖。
February 11, 2015 Volvo China Open Guangzhou Nansha qualifying round at Guangzhou Nansha Golf Club successfully ended. Ding Zixuan, a 15-year-old Chinese Taipei amateur, shot 6-9 in the final and won the championship with a total of 135 in two rounds. Professional players from South Korea and the United States, LEE Chang woo and Benjamin LEIN, run in second place. The three of them will be the first contestants to qualify this year, and will compete for the 21st Volvo China Open at Tomson Shanghai Pudong Golf Course from April 23 to April 26. Huo Qishan, director of Nansha Golf Club in Guangzhou, attended the awards ceremony after the match to award the winners.