目的:提高非产后期乳腺炎的诊断准确性.材料与方法:将43例非产后期乳腺炎作回顾性X线征象分析.结果:本病X线征象以下列各点为主:乳晕后肿块、结节影22例(51%),乳晕增厚18例(41.8%),局部密度增高13例(30%),乳头回缩12例(27.9%),局部皮肤增厚8例(18.6%),钙化点2例(4.6%)等.结论:非产后期乳腺炎X线征象如能密切结合临床病史和体征,则能提高对本病诊断的准确性.本病下列X线征象与乳腺癌有所不同:①病灶密度较乳腺癌为低.②肿块边缘无毛刺.③多数病灶位于乳晕后方(乳腺癌好发于外上象限).④皮肤增厚以局限性为其特征.⑤非先天性乳头回缩而乳腺内无肿块者,应高度考虑乳腺炎.⑥计算机图像处理有助于鉴别诊断.“,”Objective: To improve the diagnostic accuracy of nonpuerperal mastitis.Materials and Methods:The mammographic findings of 43 cases with nonpuerperal mastitis were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed.Results:The following Xray signs were found on mammograms: mass or nodule shadow behind the areola (n=22, 51%), thickened areola (n=18, 41.8%), localized increased density (n=13, 30%), retraction of nipple (n=12, 27%), punctate calcification (n=2, 4.6%), etc.Conclusion: The accuracy of Xray diagnosis of nonpuerperal mastitis can be improved by the combination of Xray signs and clinical information. The following mammographic manifestations are different from that of mammary cancer: (1) lower lesion density; (2) nonspiculate lesion border; (3) mainly located immediately behind the areola, most frequent in superolateral quadrant; (4) thickened skin, characteristically localized; (5) noncongenital retraction of nipple without mammary mass, highly suspicious of mastitis. Besides, digital processing technique is helpful in differentiating mastitis from cancer.