目的了解蒙古族7~18岁学生1985—2010年间胸围生长变化趋势和特点,为建立蒙古族7~18岁学生胸围的参考值及蒙古族学生体质健康状况研究提供理论依据。方法采用来自“全国学生体质健康调研”蒙古族通辽校点1985年、2000年和2010年的调查数据,共计17 480人,其中1985年获得有效人数为5 827人,2000年获得有效人数为5 565人,2010年获得有效人数为6 088人。分析比较不同年龄、性别、城乡及年份之间学生的胸围水平。结果 (1)1985年、2000年和2010年,7~18岁蒙古族学生胸围均值随年龄的增大而增长;(2)7~18岁蒙古族学生胸围发育曲线两次交叉年龄有推迟趋势;(3)7~18岁蒙古族学生胸围的生长突增期提前了1~2岁;(4)除蒙古族城市男生胸围突增高峰年龄推迟外,其余均提前1~2岁。结论近25年中,蒙古族学生的胸围增长有明显减弱趋势,个别年龄组出现负增长。相关部门应采取有效措施确保我国儿童青少年健康成长。
Objective To understand the trends and characteristics of the growth and development of bust in Mongolian 7-18-year-old students between 1985 and 2010, and to provide a theoretical basis for the establishment of the reference value of Mongolian B-7 students and the health status of Mongolian students. Methods A total of 17,480 people were surveyed from 1985 to 2000 in Tongliao, a Mongolian national school health survey conducted in 2000 and 2010, of which 5,827 were valid in 1985 and effective in 2000 To 5,565 in 2010 and 6,088 in 2010. Analysis and comparison of different age, sex, urban and rural students between the bust level. Results (1) The average of the bust of Mongolian students aged 7-18 years increased with age in 1985, 2000 and 2010; (2) The trend of cross-busting of the Mongolian students aged 7-18 years had a delayed trend ; (3) Mongolian students from 7 to 18 years old had a sudden increase of 1 to 2 years old in the growth of bust; (4) Except Mongolian city boys delayed the peak age of boys’ bouts, the rest were 1-2 years ahead of schedule. Conclusions In the recent 25 years, the growth of the bust of Mongolian students has obviously weakened, and the individual age groups have shown negative growth. Relevant departments should take effective measures to ensure the healthy growth of children and adolescents in our country.