美国 Itek 光学系统分部研制成一种能快速测量大的弯曲表面的实验型轮廓测量系统,它的测量误差小于微米量级。这种系统由政府发起而研制,目的是填补研磨和抛光空间望远镜所用的大型镜片时10~(-4)英寸机械测量与10~(-6)英寸一般干涉测量之间的空白。此系统用装在一块四面体设备上的四台激光干涉仪测量到达横过被测表面上猫眼式靶的距离。一台计算机接收所测得的数据,并算出被测点的坐标以及被测物的尺寸,最后绘出被测表面的轮
The Itek Optical Systems Division of the United States has developed an experimental profilometry system capable of rapidly measuring large, curved surfaces with measurement errors less than the order of microns. Developed by the government, the system is designed to fill the gap between 10 - (4) inch mechanical measurements and 10 - (-6) inch general interference measurements for large lenses used in grinding and polishing space telescopes. The system uses four laser interferometers mounted on a tetrahedron to measure the distance to the cat-eye target across the surface being measured. A computer to receive the measured data and calculate the coordinates of the measured point and the measured object size, and finally draw the wheel of the measured surface