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高等理工科教育是培养高级工程技术人员的重要基础。如何通过高等教育,有效地适应现代科技发展,培养具有解决实际问题能力的高素质人才,一直是高等教育改革的核心和焦点。在长期的教学实践中,我们围绕课程教学与学生能力培养这个主题,强调认清课程的性质、地位和作用,联系实际,培养学生的工程意识和综合能力:运 Higher science and engineering education is to train senior engineering and technical personnel of the important foundation. How to effectively adapt to the development of modern science and technology and cultivate highly qualified personnel capable of solving practical problems through higher education has always been the core and focus of higher education reform. In the long-term teaching practice, we focus on the theme of curriculum teaching and students’ ability development, emphasizing the recognition of the nature, status and role of the curriculum, linking students with the project awareness and comprehensive ability
大连外国语大学原《英语知识》与《日语知识》,经国家新闻出版总署批准,2013年正式转型为学术型期刊。现启事如下: Dalian University of Foreign Languages ​​original
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of several clinical conditions characterized by insulin-resistance and high cardiovascular risk. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disea
Ion beam assisted pulsed laser deposition of biaxially aligned yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) was used to produce a buffer layer for YBCO film on polycrystal
1月3日是《中国税务报》创刊十周年的日子。1月8日,中共中央政治局常委、全国人大常委会委员长李鹏为《中国税务报》创刊十周年题词:“依法治税,利国利民”。 《中国税务报
THE colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) effects in doped perovskite-like oxide have stimulatedconsiderable attention to the study of fundamental physics and the a