全国纪检监察先进集体 勇于亮剑的仙桃市纪委监察局

来源 :学习月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shnoonkids
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仙桃市纪委监察局是一支敢闯敢干、激浊扬清、创新创业、给力发展的纪检团队。几年间,该局被湖北省委、省政府授予“全省落实党风廉政建设责任制先进集体”、“全省纪检监察工作先进集 Xiantao Commission for Discipline Inspection Bureau is a dare to break Gan Gan, turbid Yang Qing, innovation and entrepreneurship, to the development of discipline inspection team. A few years ago, the council was awarded by Hubei provincial party committee and provincial government as ”the advanced collective in implementing the responsibility system of building a clean government in the province“ and ”the advanced discipline inspection and supervision work in the province