通讯员王斌报道2012年11月6日,美国Recycling Today传媒集团Brian Taylor先生对中国造纸学会进行了访问。中国造纸学会理事长陈学忠、副理事长兼学术工作委员会主任邝仕均,中国制浆造纸研究院副院长兼中国造纸学会特种纸专业委员会主任李义民,中国造纸学会常务副秘书长张黎雨一同接待了来宾。Taylor先生通报了2013年5月在上海由中国造纸学会协办的“2013年亚洲废纸回收会议”的初步日程。根据此前双方商定,这次会议由美国Recycling Today传媒集团和英国Pira公司主办,中国造纸学会协办,将于2013年5月30-31日在上海举行,这将是有关废纸回收利用一次盛大的国际会议。
Correspondent Wang Bin reports On November 6, 2012, Mr. Brian Taylor from the Recycling Today Media Group of the United States paid a visit to China Paper Industry Association. Chen Xuezhong, chairman of China Papermaking Association, and Kuang Shijun, vice chairman and director of academic work committee, Li Yimin, vice president of China Pulp and Paper Research Institute and director of Special Paper Committee of China Papermaking Association, and Zhang Liyu, deputy secretary-general of China Papermaking Association. Mr. Taylor briefed the preliminary agenda of the 2013 Asia Wastepaper Recycling Conference co-organized by the China Papermaking Society in Shanghai in May 2013. According to the two sides agreed before, the meeting by the United States Recycling Today Media Group and the British Pira sponsored by the China Association of Paper Association, will be held May 30, 2013 in Shanghai, which will be about a grand recycling of waste paper International conference.