
来源 :赤峰学院学报·哲学社会科学版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanqishuai
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当今的布里亚特人广泛分布在自西伯利亚中南部至天山北麓一带的广袤地域。苏联时代就已成立的“布里亚特自治共和国”为其保留、传承自身的民族文化奠定了坚实的政治基础,使得历史悠久的布里亚特文明未曾湮灭在迅速崛起的现代文化之中。同时,“布里亚特蒙古人”是世人对他们的另一个称谓。本文在综述了布里亚特族群的历史与现状之后,从文化生活的视阈对其同蒙古人之间的竞合关系进行了分析,以期更深层次的探析其文化属性的根源与本质。 Today’s Buryat widely distributed in central and southern Siberia to Tianshan Mountains in the vast area. The “Buryat Autonomous Republic”, which was founded during the Soviet era, laid a solid political foundation for its preservation and inheritance of its own national culture so that the historic Buryat civilization has not been annihilated in the rapidly emerging modern culture in. At the same time, “Buryat Mongolians” is another name for the world. After reviewing the history and current status of the Buryat ethnic group, this paper analyzes the competition and cooperation between the Mongolian people and the Mongolian people from the perspective of cultural life in order to probe deeper into the origin and essence of its cultural attributes.