雌激素替代疗法(HRT)用于绝经后妇女血管舒缩症状和泌尿生殖器萎缩获得满意疗效。但HRT与子宫内膜癌、乳腺癌的关系以及其心血管副作用问题一直在探讨中。使用每24小时释放5~10μg雌二醇的阴道硅胶环(E_2-IVR)治疗222名绝经后妇女(其中6例为双附件切除术后)泌尿生殖器粘膜萎缩,其疗效、安全性和可接受性方面得到满意结果。 受试者绝经年限2~29年。FSH均值67.2IU/L,均有雌激素不足所致的萎缩性阴道炎症状和阴道粘膜萎缩体征。用药前2个月内无激素使用史,
Estrogen replacement therapy (HRT) for postmenopausal women vasomotor symptoms and genitourinary atrophy obtained satisfactory results. However, the relationship between HRT and endometrial cancer, breast cancer and its cardiovascular side effects have been explored. The efficacy, safety, and acceptability of urogenital mucosal atrophy in 222 postmenopausal women (6 were double-attachment excision) were treated with a vaginal silica gel loop (E_2-IVR) that released 5 to 10 μg estradiol every 24 hours Satisfied with the results of sex. Subjects menopause period of 2 to 29 years. FSH average 67.2IU / L, both have symptoms of atrophic vaginitis caused by estrogen deficiency and vaginal mucosal atrophy signs. 2 months before medication without hormone history,