断舌再植成功在国内外报导均为罕见,在报导广例中多为癫病发作或跌伤时被上下牙咬断所致。但被人咬断,特别是在炎热的武汉(当时气温39℃)断舌被丢入稍水缸中浸泡近三小时而再植成功更为少见,现报导如下: 病例:徐某,女21岁未婚,1975年7月11日下午2时因恋爱关系被对方咬断舌近二分之一,咬下之舌被丢入潲水缸中。当时患者疼痛剧烈出血多,送来我院。后在公安机关及民兵协助下,于下午四时四十分才将断舌送来我院,由于浸泡时间太长及气候炎热,断舌已明显水肿、苍白、污染严重,当即
The successful replantation of tongue replantation is rare at home and abroad, in the widely reported cases of epilepsy or fall injury caused by upper and lower teeth snapped. But was snapped, especially in the hot Wuhan (then the temperature 39 ℃) broken tongue was thrown into a little tank soak for nearly three hours and replantation more successful, are reported as follows: Case: Xu, female 21 Unmarried age, at 11 o'clock on the July 11, 1975 at 2 o'clock because of love and love each other bite the tongue nearly one-half, bite the tongue was thrown into the water tank. At that time, patients with severe pain and bleeding, sent to our hospital. With the help of the public security organs and the militia, the tongue was delivered to our hospital at 4.40 pm. As the soaking time was too long and the weather was hot, the tongue had been obviously edematous, pale and seriously polluted. Immediately