萨缪尔·米克卢斯(Samuel Mikclus)是头脑奥林匹克的创始人。从1978年首届头脑奥林匹克大赛举办至今,无数参赛青少年体会到了创新和合作的乐趣。萨缪尔的小儿子萨米·米克卢斯(SammyMicklus)是现任头脑奥林匹克的项目执行主席。他说,自己的父亲是一个“传奇”。创造力从孩子抓起萨缪尔是头脑奥林匹克之父,他对自己子女的教育也很用心。萨米记得自己很小的时候,父亲就注重培养、开发他们的创造力。他和哥哥姐姐经常向父亲提出许多稀奇古怪的问题。为了培养三个调皮孩子的好奇心,萨缪尔动了不少脑筋。当孩子们向他提问时,他并不是直接给出问题的答案,而是让他们思
Samuel Mikclus is the founder of Mind Olympics. Since 1978, the first Olympic Games held in the mind so far, countless young people experience the fun of innovation and cooperation. Sammy Micklus, the youngest son of Samuel, is the current executive chairman of the Olympic Games. He said his father is a “legend”. Creativity Samuel, a kid from the start, is the father of the Olympic Games and he is also very hardworking with his children’s education. Sami remembers that when he was young, his father focused on training and developing their creativity. He and his older brother and sister often raised many bizarre questions to his father. In order to develop the curiosity of three naughty children, Samuel moved a lot of brains. When the children ask him questions, he does not give the answer directly, but let them think