牡丹江市是黑龙江省东南部的新兴中等工业城市,随着改革开放的不断深入,全市的经济建设和各项事业发展迅速。从1982年到1992年,连续十一年实现财政收支平衡。1992年,全市地方组织的财政收入完成78 036万元,比1982年增长1.8倍,年平均递增11%;财政支出完成63 489万元,比1982年增长2.7倍,年平均递增14%。平衡已成共识
Mudanjiang is a newly emerging medium-sized industrial city in southeastern Heilongjiang Province. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the city’s economic construction and various undertakings have developed rapidly. From 1982 to 1992, for a continuous eleven years to achieve fiscal balance. In 1992, the financial revenue of local organizations in the city reached 78,036 million yuan, an increase of 1.8 times that of 1982 and an average annual increase of 11%. The financial expenditure was 63,489,000 yuan, an increase of 2.7 times that of 1982 and an average annual increase of 14%. Balance has become a consensus