今年元旦一早,公正路上人头涌动,标志着肇庆市流动人口正式告别暂住证的“广东居住证肇庆首发仪式”在此隆重举行,蒙春桥、廖月梅、王素华、李成报等10位在肇流动人口代表领到首批广东省居住证。此大快人心、惠及肇庆市众多流动人口的政策一出,标志着凡满1 6-60岁的流动人员即可免费申领居住证,享有职业技能培训、公共就业服务、传染病防治和儿童计划免疫保健服务等7大类公共服务,办理了居住证的流动人口还可以享有在居住地申领机动车驾驶证、办理机动车注册登记手续等4大类公共服务。持居住证居住满5年子女享受居民入学、居住满7年可申请入户肇庆。当日,全省21个地级以上市同时为外来工发放广东省居住证,居住证在广东正式启用,以实施居住证制度为框架内容的《广东省流动人口服务管理条例》也同步实施。
Early this year, New Year’s Day, just the surging rhythm of the road, marking the official bid farewell to temporary residence permits in Zhaoqing City, “Guangdong residence permit Zhaoqing starting ceremony ” was held here, Mengchunqiao, Liao Yuemei, Wang Suhua, Li Chengbao 10 Zhao migrant population representatives received the first batch of residence permit in Guangdong Province. This popular goal benefiting a large number of migrants in Zhaoqing City marked the free application of a residence permit for migrant workers aged 1 to 6 years, occupational skills training, public employment services, prevention and control of infectious diseases and childhood immunization Health services and other seven categories of public services, living permits for migrants can also enjoy the residence permit to apply for a motor vehicle, for registration of motor vehicles and other four categories of public services. Residence permit to live for 5 years to enjoy the residents of children to enter the school, living for 7 years can apply for Zhaoqing home. On the same day, 21 prefecture-level cities in the province issued a residence permit for migrant workers and a residence permit was officially opened in Guangdong. The “Regulations on the Management of Floating Population Services in Guangdong Province” with the implementation of the residence permit system were implemented simultaneously.