钼是植物体内需要量很少,但又是不可代替和不可缺少的元素。若缺少它,其生长就会受到抑制,严重的还能致病减产。仲钼酸铵的分子式为:(NH_4)_6Mo_7O_(24)·4H_2O,其中含 Mo>50%,水不溶物<1%。具体使用方法有三种:1、拌种:一般每亩用量20克(4钱)左右,先用热水搅拌溶解,按拌种量加水冲稀至仲钼酸铵浓度为1.5—0.03%,倒入喷雾器喷拌,再将种子阴干就可播种。
Molybdenum is a plant with little need, but it is an irreplaceable and indispensable element. In the absence of it, its growth will be inhibited, serious disease can reduce production. The formula of ammonium paramolybdate is: (NH_4) _6Mo_7O_ (24) · 4H_2O, containing Mo> 50% and water insoluble matter <1%. There are three specific ways to use: 1, seed dressing: the general amount of 20 grams per mu (4 money) or so, first dissolved with hot water mixing, according to the seed dressing plus dilute water to ammonium paramolybdate concentration of 1.5-0.03% Spraying into the sprayer, then the seeds can be sown dry shade.