The rhythm of prolactin secretion within 24 hours is still debated. Secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland is closely related to the natural lighting period in sheep, and different artificial lighting periods have a significant effect on the type of melanocortin secretion. In this paper, the use of melanin and feeding under the conditions of artificial control of the light cycle, study ewe in different experiments, at different times observed in 24 hours plasma prolactin levels. Experiments with 1-3-year-old Suzfoth-cross unpaired ewes. After two weeks of adaptation, the animals were divided into three groups according to the period of natural light, and were divided into three groups, which were fed in different fields with manual control of light period. Progesterone levels maintained at baseline levels eight weeks ago. Group A received 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness (16L: 8D) and received daily doses of 3 mg of melanin at 16.5 hours to reach the highest physiologic range 8 hours. Group B received 8L: 16D