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几年来,通过开展档案管理达标晋级活动,干部人事档案工作取得了长足发展,其基础建设和内容建设得到了加强,干部档案管理的规范化、制度化、科学化水平有了明显提高。但是随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的日益完善和干部人事制度改革的不断深入,干部人事档案工作出现了许多不适应,必须在内容和方法上进行相应改革。一、增强服务意识,变被动管理为主动服务受传统管理模式的束缚,过去的干部人事档案管理始终依附于干部工作,处在一种被动的状况下,即看门守摊,坐等上门。要发挥干部档案作用,必须改变这种状态,变被动管理为主动服务。一是要树立有所作为的思想。干部人事档案工作是服务性工作,在整个干部人事工作中充当“配角”,同时干部档案的效用是隐性的、信息是潜在的,不易引起领导的重视和支持以及社会的关注和理解。在这样的条件下,干部档案工作必须破除“等、靠、要”的思想,生动争取领导的重视和支持,以优质的服务赢得社会。正如我们这几年积极开展的达标晋级活 In recent years, through carrying out the promotion of file management standards, the cadre and personnel archives work has made great strides and its infrastructure and content construction have been strengthened. The standardization, institutionalization and scientific level of cadre archives management have been significantly improved. However, with the continuous improvement of China’s socialist market economic system and the continuous deepening of the reform of the cadre and personnel system, cadres and personnel files have encountered many changes and must be restructured in content and methods. First, to enhance service awareness and change from passive management to active service By the traditional management mode, the past management of cadres and personnel files has always attached to the work of cadres, in a passive situation, that is, guarding the door and wait for the door. To play the role of cadre files, we must change this state and change from passive management to active service. One is to establish a mind for doing something. Cadre and personnel files work is a service-oriented work that serves as a “supporting role” in the work of personnel and personnel throughout the cadre work. At the same time, the effectiveness of cadre files is tacit. Information is latent and is not easily aroused by the attention and support of the leaders and the concern and understanding of the society. Under such conditions, the work of cadre archives must get rid of the idea of ​​“waiting, relying on, and wanting” to vividly win the attention and support from the leaders and win the society with good service. As we have actively promoted the past few years to achieve promotion