编辑同志: 感冒通所致的锥体外系反应,国内外尚未见报道,笔者遇到1例,现报告如下。患女,4个月,因感冒于1991年6月1日就诊。给予感冒通1/4片内服,连服3次后出现少动、不哭闹、头向后仰、两眼上翻呆视、强制张口、舌震颤、颈抵抗,无高热、抽搐,心、肺正常,病理反射(一),持续2小时50分钟后自行缓解。第4次服药后45分钟,上述诸症重现,持续3小时20分钟消失。自此,停止给药未见复发,随访1年情况良好。感冒通为一抗感冒药,其毒副反应有嗜睡、上腹部不适、恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、肝功能异常及血尿,
Editor comrades: influenza-induced extrapyramidal reactions have not been reported at home and abroad, I encountered one case, are as follows. Suffering from women, 4 months, due to a cold in June 1, 1991 treatment. Give flu to pass 1/4 orally, and even serve 3 times, after less appease, do not cry, head backwards, turn on both eyes, force mouth, tongue tremor, neck resisting, without high fever, convulsions, Lung normal, pathological reflex (a), sustained 2 hours and 50 minutes after the self-remission. 45 minutes after the fourth dose, the above mentioned diseases recur, lasted 3 hours and 20 minutes disappear. Since then, there was no recurrence of drug delivery, good follow-up of 1 year. Cold through a cold medicine, the side effects of lethargy, upper abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abnormal liver function and hematuria,