鱼玄机 ,字幼微 ,一字蕙兰 ,长安 (今陕西西安 )人。约生于唐武宗会昌四年 (844年 ) ,卒于懿宗咸通九年 (868年 )。玄机才高貌美 ,擅风情 ,工吟咏 ,是我国文学史上有名的女冠诗人。但同时她又骄妒成性 ,心狠手辣 ,终因私刑笞死侍婢绿翘事发 ,被京兆尹温璋处死。后世文人往往对
Fish mystery machine, the word young, Cymbidium word, Chang (now Shaanxi Xi’an) people. Born about Tang Wuzong Huichang four years (844 years), died in Yi Zong Xian Tong nine years (868). Mystery was tall and beautiful, good style, work chanting, is the famous woman in the history of Chinese literature crown poet. But at the same time she was jealous of the nature, ruthless, the final result of lynching dead maid Green Alice incident, Jing Zhao Yin Wen Zhang executed. Later literati tend to be right