鲫鱼Carassius auratus(Linnaeus)在我国广泛分布,生态耐性较大。本文报道1960年于天津北大港水库,1962—1963年于海河、八里台鱼市场,1973及1976年于西湖村养鱼塘收集的709尾鲫鱼的生物学观察结果。一、形态D.Ⅳ.14—18;P.I.14—18;V.I.8—7;C.24—33。侧线鳞26—33。脊椎骨4+
Crucian carp Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) is widely distributed in our country, ecologically tolerant. This article reports on the biological observations of 709 crucian carps collected in the Beidagang Reservoir in Tianjin in 1960, the Haihe River in the Taiwan Strait from 1962 to 1963, the Bali Fish Market in 1973 and the fish ponds in Xihu Village in 1973 and 1976 respectively. I. Form D.Ⅳ.14-18; P.I.14-18; V.I.8-7; C.24-33. Lateral scales 26-33. Spine 4 +