盐碱地主要是土壤含易溶性盐分较多,危害作物生长的土地。我国华北、西北、东北和滨海等地区都有分布,面积大,类型多,是土地整治的重要对象。我国劳动人民,多年来,根据水盐运动规律,在有效地防治土地盐碱化实践中,积累了丰富经验,创造了很多办法,取得了很好效益。概括起来,治理改良办法共有九种: 1.沟排渠灌沟排有明沟排水和暗管(沟)排水,明沟排水就是在地面挖排水沟,暗暗排水是用埋在地下的排水管道排水。其任务除排涝,主要是排出地下水,控制其水位在临界深度以下,同时排出由于洗盐灌溉和降雨淋溶的盐碱,但先决条件必须有排水
Saline alkali soil is mainly the soil with soluble salt more harmful to crop growth. China’s north, northwest, northeast and coastal areas are distributed, large area, many types, is an important object of land remediation. Over the years, our working people have accumulated rich experience, created many ways and achieved good benefits in the course of effectively controlling the land salinization based on the law of water and salt movement. To sum up, there are nine ways to improve the management: 1. Drainage ditches Drainage ditches and concealed ditches are drained. Drainage ditches are dug ditches on the ground. Drainage ditches are drained with sewers buried in the ground. Its task, besides drainage, is mainly to discharge groundwater and control its water level below critical depth, while discharging salt and water as a result of salt water irrigation and rainfall leaching, but prerequisites must be drained