枣桃六点天蛾年发生2 代,以蛹在表土层越冬,越冬代蛹翌年5 月上旬开始羽化,5月下旬~6 月上旬为发生盛期。第1 代成虫7 月上旬羽化,7 月中下旬为发生盛期。幼虫经6龄。4 龄开始为暴食期。幼虫对枣叶利用率为47.55% ,排粪率为37.4% 。粪便含水量1~4 龄占49.54% ,5~6 龄占55.56% 。幼虫排粪共1 335 粒,共重4 639 m g。成虫趋光性强。
Jujube Peach six-spotted moth occurrence of two generations to the pupal overwinter in the topsoil, overwintering pupal the following year began in May the first emergence, the late May ~ early June for the peak period. The first generation of adult emergence in early July, mid-July for the peak period. Larvae by age 6. 4 age began to gluttony period. Larvae jujube leaves utilization rate was 47.55%, defecation rate was 37.4%. Stool water content of 1 to 4 years accounted for 49.54%, 5 to 6 years accounted for 55.56%. The larvae excreted a total of 1 335 grains, weighing a total of 4639 m g. Adult phototaxis strong.