一把开启隋唐五代文学研究之门的钥匙 读《隋唐五代文学史料学》

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就从事古代文学研究的学者而言,能有一部将各种文学史料进行梳理而实用的文献学著作,乃是求之不得的事情。傅璇琮先生精心策划,并担任主编的《中国古典文学史料研究丛书》系列则是满足这种治学愿望的理想之作。笔者不揣浅陋,拜读了新出的几部,认为诚如傅先生所言:它们“对于应用者来说,则是由此获得紧靠一己的 For those scholars engaged in the research of ancient literature, there is a practical documentary work that sorts various literary historical materials into account. The series of ”Historical Materials of Chinese Classical Literature“ series, carefully edited and edited by Mr. Fu Xuanxuan, is the ideal for satisfying this aspiration of scholarship. The author does not humble the shallow, read a few new, that as Mr. Fu said: they ”for the user, it is to get close to one’s own