中共云南省委 云南省人民政府关于深化国有企业改革的若干意见

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近几年来,在党中央、国务院的领导下,我省不断深化国有企业改革,经过全省上下的共同努力,基本完成了国有企业3年改革和脱困目标。但同时也要看到,3年改革与脱困是一个阶段性目标,实现这个目标绝非国有企业改革的结束,而是深化改革的新起点。要把国有企业转变为自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束、自我发展的市场主体,建立起不断进行技术创新和提高效益的内在机制,还有大量艰巨工作要做。我省近年来经济发展缓慢,工业经济增长乏力,国有企业亏损面、亏损额居高不 In recent years, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, our province has continuously deepened the reform of state-owned enterprises, and through the concerted efforts of the entire province, we have basically completed the goal of reforming state-owned enterprises for the past three years. However, at the same time, we must also realize that the three-year reform and lifting of difficulties is a phased goal. Realizing this goal is by no means the end of the reform of state-owned enterprises, but a new starting point for deepening reforms. We must transform state-owned enterprises into market players that are self-employed, self-financing, self-restraining, and self-developing, and establish internal mechanisms for continuous technological innovation and improved efficiency. There is still a lot of arduous work to do. In recent years, the province’s economic development has been slow, industrial economic growth has been sluggish, and the state-owned enterprises’ losses and losses have remained high.