软件漏洞是软件在设计实现时由于软件功能自身的复杂性和抽象性,导致在具体实现时所引起的缺陷。测试用例在检测软件缺陷时能够起到指导作用,在研究VaIgrind中间语言的基础上,针对STP求解器的语言特点,设计实现了一个测试用例动态生成的系统,对其中的主要设计思想进行了阐述,并对该系统进行了程序测试,对最终的测试性能给出了结果。“,”Software bugs are caused in design and reaIization of software function due to the compIexity and abstract-ness of software function itseIf.Test cases can pIay a guiding roIe in detecting software defects.This pager is based on the study on the VaIgrind intermediate Ianguage and STP Ianguage,and design the dynamicaI test case generation system.This pager expIains the main design ideas.Furthermore,test the performance of system with testing program.