近年来,我国研制和引进了多种类型的综采设备,每套设备的总重量约为500~800吨。这些设备由地面运搬到采煤工作面,需要装运400~1000车,装车的吨位和尺寸大都超过矿井正常运搬的物件。由于运搬量大,装车尺寸大,吨位重,所以,这些设备的运搬是综采矿井一项比较繁重的工作。 综采设备运搬是一件涉及到矿井多方面的综合性工作,如:地面装卸场地及设施,并巷断面及提升运输设备,开拓系统及辅助运输系统,采区布置及检修安排等
In recent years, China has developed and introduced various types of fully mechanized mining equipment, each with a total weight of about 500 to 800 tons. These devices are transported from the ground to the coal mining face and require 400-1000 cars to be loaded. The tonnage and size of the loaded vehicles mostly exceed those normally transported by the mine. As a large amount of transport, loading large size, heavy tonnage, so the transport of these equipment is a more comprehensive mine work more heavy. Transportation of fully mechanized mining equipment is a multifaceted comprehensive work involving the mine, such as: ground loading and unloading venues and facilities, laneways and upgrading of transport equipment, development of systems and auxiliary transport systems, mining area layout and maintenance arrangements