水果湖和东湖(水果湖是东湖的一部分)是武汉的风景胜地,湖水水质的好坏,直接影响着这里的环境。我校就在湖边。 夏季,我们都喜爱游泳。但是,看到那污浊的湖水和湖面漂浮的脏物,不免有些害怕。因为,有些人游泳过后,皮肤上常常长出一些奇痒的小疙瘩。还有人学游泳时不小心呛入了几口水而引起拉肚子。我又常听大人们说:“近几年,我们医院职工中癌症患者有增多的趋势,这可能与饮用湖水有关。”为什么饮用、接触了这
Fruit Lake and East Lake (part of East Lake) are the scenic spots of Wuhan. The water quality of the lake directly affects the environment here. My school is at the lake. In summer, we all love to swim. However, to see that filthy lake and the dirt floating on the lake, can not help but feel scared. Because, after some people swim, the skin often grow some itchy little lumps. Some people learn to accidentally choked into the water when swimming caused diarrhea. I often hear adults say: “In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cancer patients in our hospital staff, which may be related to drinking the lake.” Why do you drink and have access to this