敬老院起火 二死四伤

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去年12月10日晚,衢县湖南镇敬老院发生一起火灾,当场烧死2人,轻伤4人,烧毁房屋10间建筑面积266.4平方米,直接经济损失45000余元。 当晚11点40分左右,该敬老院内突然火光冲天,此时住在敬老院的镇干部郑老三听见院内一老人呼叫“起火啦”便立即起床,发现大火已冲上房顶,他立即叫醒院内的老人,并爬上房顶高声疾呼附近村民救火,此时火借风势迅速蔓延。附近的40余名村民听到呼叫声纷纷向起火点跑来,投入紧张的疏散人员、物资和灭火中去,经过众村民一个小时的奋勇扑救,终于把大火扑灭,保住了相邻的建筑物。 On the evening of December 10 last year, a fire broke out in the nursing home of Hunan Town in Qu County. Two people were killed on the scene and four were slightly injured. The burning area of ​​10 buildings with an area of ​​266.4 square meters was destroyed and the direct economic loss was over 45,000 yuan. At about 11:40 that night, the camp suddenly burst into flames. At this time, Zheng Laosan, a town cadre who resided in the nursing home, immediately heard an old man calling “fire” in the hospital and immediately got up and found that the fire had rushed to the roof. Courtyard of the elderly, and climbed to the roof loudly cry from the villagers to fight the fire, this time by the rapid spread of fire by the wind. Nearly 40 villagers heard the sound of the call came from the fire one after another, into the evacuation of personnel, supplies and fire fighting in the villagers an hour after the courageous fight, and finally extinguished the fire, to keep the adjacent buildings .
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