本章要点:本章着重讲解设计实时控制程序的要点,包括:子程序及其使用,宏及其应用,伪指令,中断及中断服务程序。以及实现模拟量实时控制所必需的 A/D、D/A,变换器和时钟。在此基础上讲解程序的基本结构。认为读者已了解 z—80的指令系统,因此对 CPU 的程序模型及指令系统均不再叙述。
Essentials of this chapter: This chapter focuses on the essentials of designing real-time control programs, including: subroutines and their use, macros and their applications, directives, interrupts and interrupt service routines. As well as A / D, D / A, converters and clocks necessary to enable real-time analog control. On this basis to explain the basic structure of the program. Think readers have understood the instruction system of z-80, so the program model of CPU and instruction system are no longer narrated.