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What’s a beluga whale’s favorite trick?Blow bubbles that look like a halo(光环,光晕).This whale has become a sensation(引起轰动的事)at an aquarium after learning how to blow halo-shaped bubbles.The l0-year-old beluga has perfected the technique over the last three years and now stuns visitors with her unique talent.She uses her mouth to blow the water to make a current,then she blow a hole to break the current into a ring shape. What’s a beluga whale’s favorite trick? Blow bubbles that looks like a halo. This whale has become a sensation (at a sensational event) at an aquarium after learning how to blow halo-shaped bubbles.The l0-year -old beluga has perfected the technique over the last three years and now stuns visitors with her unique talent.She uses her mouth to blow the water to make a current, then she blow a hole to break the current into a ring shape.
My father is a worker.e works in an insurance company(保险公司).He is thirty-seven years old.He is very thin.He likes watching TV,playing chess,listening to mus
Of course kids today are overweight...The backpack adds 40 pounds! Of course kids today are overweight ... The backpack adds 40 pounds!
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The police in the big city were looking for a thief,At last theycaught him,But while they were taking photos of him-from the front
浙江图书馆地方志藏量丰富,以版本之罕传或取材之独到者为稀见,择志书二十种著成提要。 Zhejiang Library is rich in local history collection, rare or rare version of