A three-pulmonary vein isolation approach to treat paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

来源 :Journal of Geriatric Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong494
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To investigate the safety and efficacy of a 3-pulmonary vein (PV) isolation approach in treatingparoxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF).Methods Radiofrequency catheter ablation was used to eliminate PVpotential in 11 patients with frequent paroxysmal AF refractory to anti-arrhythmic agents.During sinus rhythm,PVpotential was mapped in the left and right superior PVs and left inferior PV.The procedural success was defined asthe elimination of PV potential in the 3 PVs.Results PV potential was identified and abolished in a total of 24PVs,mostly in the left and fight superior PV.There was no pulmonary stenosis or other complications during or afterthe procedures.AF recurred in one patient after an average of 12±3 month follow-up.Conclusions PVpotentials were present mostly in the left or right superior PV.The 3-PVs isolation approach is safe and effective inpreventing drug-resistant paroxysmal AF.(J Ceriatr Cardiol 2004;1:29-34.) To investigate the safety and efficacy of a 3-pulmonary vein (PV) isolation approach in treating paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF). Methods Radiofrequency catheter ablation was used to eliminate PVpotential in 11 patients with frequent paroxysmal AF refractory to anti-arrhythmic agents. rhythm, PVpotential was mapped in the left and right superior PVs and left inferior PV. The procedural success was defined asthe elimination of PV potential in the 3 PVs. Results PV potential was identified and abolished in a total of 24 PVs, mostly in the left and fight superior PV. there was no pulmonary stenosis or other complications during or afterthe procedures. AF recurred in one patient after an average of 12 ± 3 month follow-up. Conclusions PVpotentials were present mostly in the left or right superior PV. 3- PVs isolation approach is safe and effective inpreventing drug-resistant paroxysmal AF. (J Ceriatr Cardiol 2004; 1: 29-34.)
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