自20世纪70年代末新闻体制改革以来,中国新闻界的新闻寻租现象愈演愈烈。新闻从业者在学术性期刊上、在互联网平台上发表对媒体同业的批评文章或批评意见并不少见。针对某些新闻失范现象(如报道失实等),也有媒体会在自身平台上进行批评。但是,对于与经济利益直接相关的新闻寻租现象,却很少有媒体在自己的内容平台上进行批评监督。在为数不多的同业批评案例中,也存在着种种争议。本文在简要回顾历史案例的基础上,对同业批评在中国陷入困境的原因做出了分析。作为媒介批评(media criticism)的一种方式,“媒体同业批评”的主体是新闻媒
Since the reform of the news system in the late 1970s, the phenomenon of news rent-seeking in the Chinese press has become more and more serious. It is not uncommon for news practitioners to publish critical articles or criticisms of media industry peers in academic journals. For some news anomie phenomenon (such as the report of the truth, etc.), there are media criticism in their own platform. However, for news rent-seeking which is directly related to economic interests, very few media criticize and supervise on its own content platform. There are also many controversies in one of the few peer criticisms. Based on a brief review of historical cases, this article analyzes the causes of peer criticism in China. As a way of media criticism, the main body of “media criticism” is the media