Graph Expo 2008于2008年10月15日在美国芝加哥举行,亲历者都感觉到展会气氛略显低迷。不过作为北美地区唯一一个涵盖整个包装、印刷和纸品加工领域的盛会,Graph Expo 2008还是吸引了超过600家专业供应商在4天时间里展出了超过5000种产品。在drupa2008之前,美国经济的停滞和美元兑欧元汇率的下降已经导致许多美国本土印刷供应商没有预算drupa2008之行,这些供应商更要为此次展会精心准备。让我们来看看Graph Expo 2008上出现的一些新变化。
Graph Expo 2008 was held on October 15, 2008 in Chicago, USA. All witnesses felt a slight downturn in the show atmosphere. However, as the only event in North America covering the entire packaging, printing and paper converting sectors, Graph Expo 2008 attracted more than 600 specialist suppliers to exhibit over 5,000 products in 4 days. Prior to drupa2008, the stagnation of the U.S. economy and the decline in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the euro have led many U.S.-based print suppliers not to have a budget trip to drupa2008, and these suppliers have to be carefully prepared for the show. Let’s take a look at some of the changes that have taken place at Graph Expo 2008.