阿胶是补血、止血、滋阴润肺的良药。制剂中常要求阿胶以粉末入丸剂、散剂。由于阿胶是胶质药材,《中国药典》1995年版规定,阿胶用蛤粉烫至珠内无溏心后宜粉碎。笔者根据多年临床实践经验,总结出阿胶炮制粉碎的新方法,现介绍如下。 将处方中药材混合均匀,置盘中摊平,再将阿胶打成小块撒在盘中的药材表面,放入恒温烤箱中,以60℃烘数小时,药材烘干即可取出,待药材凉透迅速混合,置粉碎机中粉碎,过100目筛,得细粉备用。
Ejiao is a good medicine for blood, bleeding, and nourishing yin and lungs. Ejiao is often required for powder injections into pills and powders. Since Ejiao is a colloidal material, the 1995 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia states that Ejiao should be crushed after the Ejiao has been heated to the inside of the bead with no earthworms. Based on many years of clinical practice experience, the author summarizes a new method of smashing Ejiao by crushing it, which is presented below. Mix the prescription Chinese herbal medicines evenly, place it in a flat plate, and then make the donkey-hide gelatin into small pieces and spread it on the surface of the medicinal material in the pan. Place it in a constant-temperature oven and bake it for several hours at 60°C. Cool and quickly mixed, crushing machine, over 100 mesh sieve, get fine powder standby.