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日前,教育部、人力资源和社会保障部就加强中等职业学校班主任工作出台相关文件,要求各地认真做好中职学校班主任的配备和选聘工作,在绩效工资分配上向班主任适当倾斜。文件指出,中职班主任主要工作 Recently, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security introduced relevant documents on strengthening the work of class supervisors in secondary vocational schools and demanded that all localities conscientiously do their job of recruiting and recruiting teachers in charge of secondary vocational schools and should be properly inclined to the class supervisors on the distribution of performance salaries. The documents pointed out that the main job of class teacher
开学之初,我班转来一位长相特别的女生,叫刘娟。她个头矮小,相貌平平,最突出的是她背部高高突起的驼背,令人不禁心生同情。  她性格内向,基本不与同学交流,走路总是低着头匆匆而过;在教室听课也是经常低着头,唯有老师让抬起头才偶尔抬一下,下课后就一个人趴着。同学问她话她也不回答,她就这样静静地活在她一个人的世界里,与世隔绝,静谧地不引人注意。可是,真的能不引人注意吗?无论她走在通往公寓楼的幽静小路上,还