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根据国家交通事业的发展和生产的需要,对汽车运输、使用和维修等方面提出了很多新的研究课题。为了更好的承担国家重点科研项目和企业技术改造任务,进一步提高教学质量,促进交通科学技术的发展,交通部批准恢复建立“交通部长春汽车运输工程研究所”并挂靠在我校汽车系。今后研究所主要从四个方面开展科学研究工作: 一、汽车运用及维修的经济性、合理性、可靠性及耐久性的试验研究。 According to the needs of the development of national transportation and production, many new research topics have been put forward on automobile transportation, use and maintenance. In order to better undertake the tasks of state key scientific research projects and enterprises’ technological transformation, and further improve the teaching quality and promote the development of transportation science and technology, the Ministry of Communications approved the resumption of the establishment of the “Institute of Transportation Engineering of Changchun Ministry of Communications” and anchored the automobile department of our school. In the future, the institute will carry out scientific research mainly in four aspects: First, the experimental study on the economy, rationality, reliability and durability of vehicle operation and maintenance.
果园土壤覆盖是果树生产中培肥土壤、提高地力的有效措施之一。通过有机物覆盖还田,可以提高土壤有机质含量,改善土壤团粒结 Orchard soil cover is one of the effective
马长寿(1906—1971)先生是我国著名的民族史、民族学家,同时也是一位历史教育家。1955年迁居西安,创建了西北大学考古专业,开辟了西北民族与历史研究阵地,成为一代宗师。 Ma
本刊去年五月份《瞭望台》刊出试种猫爪草经济草坪的消息,有不少读者写信给实验站或本刊,想了解详细情况,现由负责实验的张仕山同志解答,以飨读者。 In May last year, the