为治疗和防止阴部疱疹的复发,用万乃洛韦(300m g 一日2次,7d)治疗生殖器疱疹48 例,并与阿昔洛韦(200mg 一日5 次,7d)进行了对比观察。结果,万乃洛韦疗效优于阿昔洛韦(P< 0.05),且无明显副作用。因此,万乃洛韦是预防和治疗阴部疱疹的良药。
To treat and prevent the recurrence of herpes genital herpes, 48 cases of genital herpes were treated with valacyclovir (300 mg twice a day, 7 days) and compared with acyclovir (200 mg 5 times a day, 7 days). The results showed that valacyclovir was superior to acyclovir (P <0.05) and had no obvious side effects. Therefore, valacyclovir is a good medicine for the prevention and treatment of genital herpes.