
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newlifeinsydney
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废胶粉在公路工程中应用范围很广,胶粉加入沥青中制得的橡胶沥青,是一种经济、环保、高性能的路用材料。黄骅新城道路起步工程应用橡胶粉改性沥青混合料铺筑了数条市政道路上面层,本文总结了断级配橡胶沥青混合料施工的施工工序和技术要点,突出强调了施工中需注意的重要细节。 Waste rubber powder in highway engineering applications a wide range of rubber powder added to asphalt obtained asphalt, is an economical, environmentally friendly, high performance road materials. Huanghua new city road start application of rubber powder modified asphalt paving a number of municipal roads above the surface, this paper summarizes the graded rubber asphalt mixture with the construction process and technical points, highlighting the construction of the important details to be noticed .
一  有位喜欢读武侠小说的棋友说,每粒棋子都有其非儿的杀伤力,当头炮为刀,仙人指路为矛,屏风马为盾,金钩炮为棍,单提马为鞭,顺手炮为枪,列手炮为斧,凶悍泼辣;四角炮为棒,过宫炮为叉,反宫马为剑,飞象局为锤……但在年近花甲的农民棋手郑乃东心里,对这些布局却另有比喻:当头炮为犁,屏风马为锄,顺手炮为锹,列手炮为镐,反宫马为耙……一年又一年,他就用这些古老而简单的农具,在流逝的岁月里耕耘着,在自己的心灵