目的:本文主要探讨郑开国际马拉松赛现场医疗保障安全预案的制定及其实施。方法通过对2007~2014年郑开国际马拉松赛的准备与现场救援的实施,对大型国际马拉松赛事中相关的组织协调,合理的预案规划,结构合理的现场救援体系建设,及时有效的应变处置,迅捷的指挥调度,高效的后勤保障等进行组织分析,完善重大赛事的医疗保障安全预案的指定与实施。结果在郑开国际马拉松赛赛事当中,无猝死及踩踏等重大突发公共卫生事件发生,为安全保障提供了相应的借鉴意义。结论郑开国际马拉松赛赛事安全预案的制定与实施为国际大型体育竞赛的安全保障起到了良好的作用,对其他赛事的安排与实施提供了借鉴意义。“,”Objective To explore formulation of the on-site health care/safety protocol and its implementation for Zheng-Kai International Marathon. Methods The analysis was conducted in the light of the followings: organizational coordination, legitimate planning, scientific structure of the relief system, timely and effective dispatching on the preparation and implementation of Zheng-Kai International Marathon in between 2007 and 2014. Results The result of the analysis indicated that no critical accident was found, such as death or stamping taken place in Zheng-Kai International Marathon. Conclusion The on-site health care and the safety protocol is considered being effective in Zheng-Kai International Marathon, and it serves as valuable reference for the next international competitions.