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据国家石油和化学工业局统计,今年1-9月全国石油和化工行业完成工业增加值1983.29亿元,同比增长27.42%。产品销售收入7256.55亿元,同比增长24.72%。实现利润193.96亿元,比去年同期14.23亿元,增盈179.73亿元。实现利税总额735.17亿元,比去年同期518.61亿元增加216.56亿元,增长41.76%。 1999年1-9月,石油集团公司完成工业增加值917.42亿元,同比增长30.51%。实现销售收入2329.44亿元,同比增长32.20%。利润总额为99.61亿元,比去年同期10.29亿元增加89.32亿元;利税总额为318.30亿元,同比增长29.21%。产成品资金占用115.89亿元,同比降低12.70%;应收帐款净额405.44亿元,同比降低22.82%;负债合计2988.05 According to statistics from the National Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau, from January to September this year, the national oil and chemical industry completed an industrial added value of 1983.29 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27.42%. The sales revenue of products was 725.655 billion yuan, an increase of 24.72% year-on-year. Achieved a profit of 19.396 billion yuan, 1.423 billion yuan more than the same period of last year, an increase of 17.973 billion yuan. The total amount of profits and taxes reached 73.517 billion yuan, an increase of 21.656 billion yuan over the same period of last year, 51.86 billion yuan, an increase of 41.76%. From January to September 1999, the total value added by the Petroleum Group Corporation reached 91.742 billion yuan, an increase of 30.51% over the same period last year. The sales income was 232.944 billion yuan, an increase of 32.20% over the same period of last year. Total profit was 9.961 billion yuan, an increase of 8.932 billion yuan from 10.29 billion yuan in the same period of last year; total profits and taxes were 31.83 billion yuan, an increase of 29.21% from the same period of last year. The funds for finished goods accounted for 11.589 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.70%; the net receivables were 40.544 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 22.82%; the total debt was 2988.05
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》 1998年 3月19日报道】 法国核设施安全局 (DSIN)已批准舒兹 B1核电机组重新启动 ,该机组是新一代 3台机组中的一台 ,它自发现余热排出 (RHR)系统
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》 1 999年 5月 1 9日报道】 俄罗斯和古巴官员已经恢复了完成古巴因经济原因而自1 992年起就退役的胡拉瓜核电站计划。俄罗斯原子能部 Minatom表示
【日本《原子能视野》1998年10月号第 5 7页报道】 北海道电力公司于 7月 2 9日向北海道当地政府正式提出了增设泊核电站 3号机组 (912兆瓦 )的请求。同时 ,还提出了以北海
【日本《原子能视野》 1998年 12月号第9页报道】  1998年 9月 14日 ,保加利亚政府宣布 ,在 2 0 12年之前将停运科兹洛杜伊核电站的 1— 4号机组 (VVER- 44 0 /2 30 )。停运