我终于踏上了千百年前唐僧取经之路,去寻古探幽,看看印度这个文明古国到底是个什么样子。 当北京的大地还是一片冰封雪冻的时节时,我来到了春风拂面的德里,一下飞机,便觉得来到了一个世外桃园般的地方…… 花园般的新德里 不知是由于气候温和,适合万物生长,还是那里的人重视绿化,新德里给人的第一眼印象,便是满目苍翠,绿树掩映下的宽敞马路,花团锦簇的街心环岛以及那大大小小花园
I finally embarked on the path taken by the monks thousands of years ago, to find the ancient exploration of India to see this ancient civilizations in the end is what it looks like. When the earth in Beijing was still a frozen snow season, I came to the breeze of Delhi, the plane, they came to a paradise-like place ... Garden New Delhi I do not know because of the mild climate, suitable Everything grows, or where people attach importance to afforestation, New Delhi gives the first impression, is everywhere green, tree-lined spacious road, surrounded by flowers and the big heart of the island garden