我校自1982年开始,接受黑龙江省文字改革委员会指示,进行“注音识字,提前读写”语文教学改革实验。经过十年的实践探索,已初步形成一套新的教学路子。做为实验的参与者和组织者,笔者就如何完善与提高“注,提”实验,做一下总结和研讨。一、由点及面,逐步铺开 1982年秋,我校从新生一年级2个班开始进行“注,提”实验。根据变“先识字,后读书”为“先读书,后识字”的教学指导原则,充分发挥汉语拼音易学易用的优势和它的多功能作用,在儿童不识字或识字不多的情况下,提前
Since 1982, our school has been instructed by the Text Reform Commission of Heilongjiang Province to carry out the experiment of “Chinese phonetic reading, reading and writing in advance” and “Chinese teaching reform”. After a decade of practical exploration, a set of new teaching approaches have been initially formed. As an experiment participants and organizers, the author on how to improve and improve “Note, mention ” experiment, do a summary and discussion. First, from the point and the surface, and gradually spread out the autumn of 1982, our school from the freshmen two classes began “note, mention ” experiment. According to the teaching principle of “prior literacy and post-reading” for “first reading and second literacy”, we should give full play to the advantages of easy to learn Chinese characters and their multi-functional effects. When children are illiterate or have little literacy In the case, in advance