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近年来,虽强调对人的素质的认识与研究。但应当承认,目前对人的素质的理论研究是很不够的。这不仅表现在对人的素质研究的总投入量过少,更表现为人的素质理论研究方面缺乏系统性和专业性,也正因为这种情况的存在,致使人的素质理论研究缺乏规范性与系统性。比如,对人的素质这一概念的界定,从各个学科着眼,就会分别提出差别甚大的定义,而各种类型的人的素质理论研究的基本内容差别就更大。基于这种认识,尽快地建立一门新兴的综合性的独立学科——人的素质学,突出人的素质问题,来加以集约式研究是刻不容缓的,也是完全可行的。 In recent years, although the emphasis on human quality awareness and research. However, it should be admitted that the current theoretical study on the quality of people is not enough. This is not only manifested in the total amount of research on human quality is too small, but also for the lack of systematic and professional research on the quality of people, it is precisely because of the existence of this situation, resulting in the lack of normative quality of theoretical research and Systematic. For example, the definition of the concept of human quality, from various disciplines, will be made very different definitions, and the basic content of the various types of people’s quality theory is even greater differences. Based on this understanding, as soon as possible to establish an emerging comprehensive independent discipline - human quality, highlighting the quality of people, to be intensive research is urgent, but also entirely feasible.
<正> 自由是一个既古老又常新的问题,也是人们认识分歧最多和聚讼不已的问题之一。孟德斯鸠曾经说过:“没有一个词比自由有更多的涵义,并在人们意识中留下更多不同的印象
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很久没有发表文章的冲动了。写作此文是因为拜读了《中国统计》2008年第8期上高敏雪教授“作为转移收支的捐赠”一文后,获益匪浅,但对文中所提“企业和个人向政 Long time n
有两个学生,大学毕业后一起到广州闯天下。甲很快做成了一单大生意,升为部门经理;乙业绩很差,还是一个业务员,并且成为甲的手下。   乙心理不平衡,就去庙里找和尚,求神明相助。和尚说:你过三年再看。三年后,他找到和尚,很沮丧地说:甲现在是总经理了。和尚说:再过三年你再看。三年又过,他又去见和尚,气急败坏地说:甲已经自己当老板了。和尚说:我也从普通和尚升为方丈了。我们都是自己,你是谁?我们都为
卖豆子的帖子发出后一时间,跟帖的网友纷纷支招,提出的办法不下二十种,其想像力令人叹为观止: After posting the bean’s post, the netizens in the thread posted sugges
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