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意向性是当代西方哲学和认知科学关注的核心论题。塞尔在言语行为理论的背景中发展出他特有的意向性理论,成为研究意向性问题的权威,进而沿着“语言、心智与世界”的路线去解答各种哲学问题。多年来,他把语言哲学与心智哲学、社会哲学相结合,继续发展了意向性理论。本文对塞尔的意向性理论内容进行整体考察,进而揭示了其在科学和马克思主义哲学研究中的当代意义。 Intentionality is the core topic of contemporary Western philosophy and cognitive science. From the background of verbal behavior theory, Searle develops his own unique intentionality theory, which becomes the authority to study intentionality, and then answers all kinds of philosophical problems along the line of “language, mind and world.” Over the years, he has combined the philosophy of language with the philosophy of mind and social philosophy and has continued to develop the theory of intentionality. This article examines the contents of Selin’s intentionality theory in a holistic way, and reveals its contemporary significance in the study of science and Marxist philosophy.
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