楚××女 64岁住院号0912,1973年3月29日入院,二月前受冷致咳,气短,咯泡沫样痰,全身浮肿一月,不能平卧、纳差、尿少、大便干。有慢性气管炎病史。体温:37.6℃,精神不佳,半坐卧位,颊唇紫绀,颈静脉怒张,两肺闻及散在干湿鸣;心音遥远,心率106次/分,律齐,未闻及瓣膜杂音;腹极度膨降,腹水征(+),颜面、四肢、阴部均有极明显的凹陷性浮肿。尿检:微量蛋白,少量红血球;胸透:慢性气管炎合并左肺感染、肺气肿。临床诊断:慢性气管炎,肺心病Ⅲ°心衰。入院当天即用抗感染药物,双氢克尿塞50毫克,日服三次,三天后尿量不见增加,日仅500毫升左
Chu × × female 64-year-old hospital 0912, March 29, 1973 admitted to February cold cough, shortness of breath, foamy sputum, systemic edema in January, can not be supine, anorexia, oliguria, dry stool . A history of chronic bronchitis. Body temperature: 37.6 ℃, poor health, half-sitting position, cyanotic cheek, jugular vein engorgement, both lungs and scattered in the wet and dry; heart distant, heart rate 106 beats / min, law Qi, Abdomen extreme swelling, signs of ascites (+), face, limbs, genitals have very obvious pitting edema. Urinalysis: trace protein, a small amount of red blood cells; chest: chronic bronchitis with left lung infection, emphysema. Clinical diagnosis: chronic bronchitis, heart failure Ⅲ ° heart failure. On the day of admission with anti-infectives, hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg, three times a day, three days after the urine volume did not increase, only 500 ml left