精讲多练 强化实作——“西点制作工艺”课程教学改革尝试

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“西点制作工艺”是我校近年来为适应改革开放后餐饮食品业的发展,主要为面点专业学生开设的一门新课。几年来,围绕培养应用型人材的目标,我们在教学实践中积极探索,在教学内容和方法上进行了一系列改革,取得了良好的效果,使该课程受到历届学生的好评和欢迎。一、课程教学改革的依据和总体设计1.“西点制作工艺”课是一门实践技术性很强的专业课,但总学时仅有90学时左右。为了在有限的课时内完成教学目标,我们意识到,必须采取精讲多练的教学方法。2.根据以往学生实习及分配后的信息反馈,暴露出在校学习期间存在实作课与行业生产脱节的问题。因而,我们设计出新的实作教学方案,使实作课最大限度与行业生产接轨。3.参照和借鉴国外类似专业教学上的成功经验,即精理论、重操作、高密度、快节奏的教学方法。所以,我们在教学改革中确立了“精讲多练,强化实作”的总体方案,在课程的安排和教法上进行了 “West Point production process” is our school in recent years to adapt to the reform and opening up after the food and beverage industry development, mainly for the point of the students to open a new course. In the past few years, around the goal of training applied talents, we actively explored in teaching practice, carried out a series of reforms in teaching contents and methods, and achieved good results. This course has been praised and welcomed by all previous students. I. The Basis and Overall Design of the Course Teaching Reform 1. The “West Point Making Process” class is a specialized technical course with strong technical skills. However, it only takes about 90 hours of study. In order to complete the teaching goal within a limited number of hours, we realized that we must adopt a more concise teaching method. 2. According to past student internship and distribution of information feedback, exposing the existence of practical school during the course of production and industry issues out of touch. Therefore, we have designed a new teaching program for practice so that the practical course can be brought into full compliance with the industry’s production. 3. Reference and learn from the successful experience of similar foreign professions, that is, fine theory, heavy operation, high-density, fast-paced teaching methods. Therefore, in the teaching reform, we have set up an overall program of “stressing, practicing and practicing more effectively”, which has been carried out in terms of the curriculum and teaching methods
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