华盛顿特区经济趋势基金会主席杰里米·里夫金认为,协同共享是一种新的经济模式,数十亿人既是生产者也是消费者,在互联网上共享能源、信息和实物,所有权被使用权代替,“交换价值”被“共享价值”代替,人类进入“共享经济”新纪元。怎么玩共享任务服务模式?帮助别人完成任务或提供各种服务。人们在网站上发布工作内容,然后别人可以领取任务,完成任务后获得相应的报酬,美国的Task Rabbit就是一家这样的企业。从发布任务者的角度来说,成本低、解决速度快,而接受任务的人则可以赚些外快。这种模式下,公司也将会更“轻”更扁平。
Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Washington, DC, Economic Trends Foundation, believes that collaborative sharing is a new economic paradigm where billions of people, both producers and consumers, share energy, information and physical assets on the Internet and are using ownership Instead, “exchange value” is replaced by “shared value” and humanity enters a new era of “shared economy.” How to play sharing mission service mode? Help others to complete the task or provide a variety of services. People on the site post content, and then others can receive the task, the completion of the task to obtain the appropriate remuneration, the United States Task Rabbit is one such enterprise. From the perspective of those who release the task, the cost is low, the solution is fast, and those who accept the task can earn some extra money. In this mode, the company will also be more “light” more flat.