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历史学是一门科学还是人文科学,这是一个争论已久的问题。十九世纪时,英国历史学家伯里(J.B.Bury)极力主张历史学是一门科学。他认为历史是一门科学,而且认为人们在进 History is a science or humanities, this is a long-standing controversy. Nineteenth century, the British historian J.B.Bury strongly advocated that history is a science. He thinks history is a science, and that people are entering
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初中英语教材中出现了大量的交际用语,由于英语对话与汉语对话不同,我们需要掌握英语口语的表达方式,以免造成误会。本文将近年全国种类地中考试卷中的交际用语作一归纳,以便帮助同学们更好地复习掌握。  [热点一]建议与应答  [考点归纳]1.常见的建议句式有:ShallI(we)...?/W11y not...?/What about(How all out)...?/Let’s.../You’d bet