Children, male, 5 years old, Uighur, Xinjiang Turpan, 3 months after birth, children with paroxysmal fever were found in their children, but no sweat. Was “cold” in the local hospital for treatment, the injection of drugs children no response, no cry, no movement.In addition, more than 1 year old children walking barefoot in the outdoors into the foreign body without feeling myself, thus causing the foot After infection, children also have no pain. Children are more afraid of heat, high temperatures in summer, like drilling into the cellar or cold bath for a long time, afraid of winter fears relief. The development and mental retardation in the same age children to clinics. Physical examination: body temperature 36 ℃, weight 13kg. Short stature, dementia, poor nutritional development, dry skin and mucous membranes, acupuncture painless, prominent forehead of the skull, sparse hair, hair